Ich bin Pionierin für die Vereinigung von Männlichkeit & Weiblichkeit.

In meiner einzigartigen Begleitung kombiniere ich

- clevere Fragen, klares und direktes Feedback und durchdachte Struktur

- mit weiblicher Alchemie: Präsenz und tiefe Verbundenheit, um Emotionen Raum zu geben und sie zu integrieren, und so die Wurzel Deiner nicht hilfreichen Glaubenssätze und Muster zu ent-decken und aufzulösen.

Das Fundament bilden meine persönliche Reise in die Weiblichkeit und Liebe und diverse Ausbildungen. 

Es reist sich immer leichter mit einem erfahrenen Guide, der oder die die Route ans Ziel bereits kennt: ich selbst habe immer auch Mentorinnen, um weiter zu wachsen.


In meiner Soulmate Begleitung bin ich 6 Monate für Dich da!

Ich begleite Dich auf Deiner persönlichen Reise ganz individuell und wir kommen für zwei 1:1 Sessions im Monat zusammen. Natürlich bin ich während dieser Zeit als persönliche Ansprechpartnerin immer für Dich erreichbar. Ich gebe Dir jederzeit offenes und konstruktives Feedback und wertvolle Impulse für Deine Veränderung.

In einem Herzensgespräch legen wir zunächst Dein Reiseziel fest und stimmen auch die für Dich passende Reiseroute ab.

In den 1:1 Sessions und an den gemeinsamen Tagen begleite Dich mit einer Mischung aus cleveren Fragen und meiner weiblich feinfühligen Präsenz auf dem ganz auf Dich persönlich abgestimmten und passenden Weg dorthin.

In meiner liebevollen Begleitung wirst Du Dir selbst darüber bewusst werden, wie Du mit radikaler Eigenverantwortung und Deiner Verbindung zu Deiner Weiblichkeit und Deinen Emotionen, in Deine ganzen Kraft kommst und Dein Leben ganz Deinen Wünschen entsprechend gestalten kannst!

Für die Liebe Deines Lebens!

In einem 45 minütigen kostenfreien Herzensgespräch kannst Du erste Ent-deckungen machen und wir können beide herausfinden, ob Chemie und Energie für uns stimmen.

Ich freue mich auf Dich!


Schreib mir gerne bei Fragen:

[email protected]


Voices for Sonja's Mentoring:

Thanks to Breaches the Waters, I was finally able to break through patterns that I had discovered in varying degrees during my inner work in Sonja's company over the last few months. I was able to release several very stuck layers of emotions, feel through them and transform them into a feeling of my own worth, which resulted in my love for myself. As a gift I received a beautiful vision that brought me into deep bliss. I know I am on my path to deep self-love. She is there, in me. I am full of trust and grateful for Sonja's mentoring on my journey!
Dear Sonja, I left the session with you with such a lovely, warm feeling that I still can't describe...so light and carefree. I never thought it would be so intense...I'm glad that this depressive feeling is no longer there! I would like to thank you again from the depth of my heart!
I really liked your open and friendly manner, which made it easier for me to speak openly about my situation and fears/problems. For me, that was an important point for a trusting collaboration. You listened to me carefully and the homework of assessing the attractiveness of other men was also very insightful and valuable for me. I had two insights, or rather discoveries, that were less on the "program" and came up during coaching, which rounded things off for me. The specific advice to take part in workshops gave me a new direction. Thank you very much for your support!
Dearest Sonja, I look back and realize with deep gratitude how often I have been able to delve deeply into the magic of female alchemy with you! Your extremely loving, gentle and sunny nature makes it easy for me to open up with trust. I feel held and protected, loved and accepted - exactly as I am in this moment. With everything that is there - light and shadow. Each of these heart-to-heart encounters with you is a great gift! Namasté
Sonja is a love alchemist with know-how and deeply embodied experience. Her support brings clarity and growth!
Sonja's sensitive, trusting and very warm manner makes you feel very well looked after in her sessions. She immediately gained my trust and I was able to open up to her very quickly. She doesn't just do her job, she puts her heart and soul into it. Sonja helped me to independently identify where the root of the problem lies and thus strengthened my self-confidence. Through her coaching, I was able to release my inner handbrake and now I am on the road with a much greater portion of self-assurance and self-confidence. I thank her for helping me to find a solution to my problem in a short time. I can wholeheartedly recommend working with Sonja to everyone.
Working with Sonja has helped me a lot with my issues. She works professionally and is always close to the client. Through her support, clear objectives, empathy and professional expertise, she was able to motivate and strengthen me. Thank you very much for that!