Breaches the Waters

Your majestic breakthrough into the NOW

A pivotal moment of your inner growth and the unfolding of your full potential - this awakening allows you to leave behind old patterns and dive into your true essence

Break through to release the identity and beliefs that have kept you away from the change you desire for what feels like an eternity!

Connect with your highest wisdom and intuition to playfully flow your creative powers

Activate your deepest self-healing abilities and let go of what no longer serves you – like a whale surfacing to breathe

Shine in the majestic beauty of your soul's essence!

Learn to discern your inner voices to follow your authentic voice

Embody your full gentle strength

Gain clarity on the next steps and powerfully implement your vision

Feel the inner certainty that your vision is already a reality

Embody your true purpose and the belief that anything is possible!

Unite what seems irreconcilable with the Alchemy of Unification Method: Unite past and future in the NOW Unite feminine & masculine energy

 Breaches the waters is for you, when you can answer one of the following questions with a YES: 

Are you stuck at a certain point on your journey to your authentic self, waiting for change?

Would you like to allow your creative power to flow freely with ease?

Do you notice the same experiences recurring, and despite all the inner work you do, you’re not making the envisioned progress?

Would you like to learn what will be deeply nourishing your soul?

Do you struggle to discern your authentic inner voice from your ego voices?

Are you going through many transformative processes, yet nothing seems to change in your results - what you desire simply doesn’t manifest externally?

Are you repeatedly caught in "either/or" scenarios and searching for a way out or a solution?

Are you ready to take radical self-responsibility, have been on a journey of awareness for a while, have already brought much change into your life, yet something is still missing - love, partnership, money, a conscious community?

Then "Breaches the Waters" is for you!

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Please reach out to me in case of questions:

[email protected]


In two sessions of 3 hours each, I will personally guide you online into the depths, so you can powerfully and easily break through to the water's surface!

Generate possibilities out of existing limitations

Welcome your future, already transformed self and receive your highest potential

Change your deepest belief patterns in a process that brings to light what you hide from yourself

Discover your heart's desires and dreams and how you can implement and live them

Let go of what no longer serves you and holds you back from your desires: beliefs about yourself, behavior patterns, circumstances, people, etc.

Open up to receive yourself and bring into the world what let's you feel blissfull and fulfilled!

Experience yourself in flow, in ease of being, and in your full power

Relax into your gentleness and strengthen your truthfulness


Reserve your free of charge appointment to agree for your day in my 

calendar here:

Voices for Sonja's Mentoring:

Thanks to Sonja, I was able to get deep into my feelings and discover an inner peace that I had been searching for for a long time. The sessions were incredible experiences in which things were released, the effects of which were felt both immediately and later, and this without conscious control or complex mental work on the issues. She made it so easy for me to open up and trust her, thereby giving me the chance to find clarity and inner peace and calm. I definitely want more of that, which is why I signed up for her Love IS program straight away.
Dear Sonja, I left the session with you with such a lovely, warm feeling that I still can't light and carefree. I never thought it would be so intense...I'm glad that this depressive feeling is no longer there! I would like to thank you again from the depth of my heart!
I really liked your open and friendly manner, which made it easier for me to speak openly about my situation and fears/problems. For me, that was an important point for a trusting collaboration. You listened to me carefully and the homework of assessing the attractiveness of other men was also very insightful and valuable for me. I had two insights, or rather discoveries, that were less on the "program" and came up during coaching, which rounded things off for me. The specific advice to take part in workshops gave me a new direction. Thank you very much for your support!
Dearest Sonja, I look back and realize with deep gratitude how often I have been able to delve deeply into the magic of female alchemy with you! Your extremely loving, gentle and sunny nature makes it easy for me to open up with trust. I feel held and protected, loved and accepted - exactly as I am in this moment. With everything that is there - light and shadow. Each of these heart-to-heart encounters with you is a great gift! Namasté
Sonja is a love alchemist with know-how and deeply embodied experience. Her support brings clarity and growth!
Sonja's sensitive, trusting and very warm manner makes you feel very well looked after in her sessions. She immediately gained my trust and I was able to open up to her very quickly. She doesn't just do her job, she puts her heart and soul into it. Sonja helped me to independently identify where the root of the problem lies and thus strengthened my self-confidence. Through her coaching, I was able to release my inner handbrake and now I am on the road with a much greater portion of self-assurance and self-confidence. I thank her for helping me to find a solution to my problem in a short time. I can wholeheartedly recommend working with Sonja to everyone.
Working with Sonja has helped me a lot with my issues. She works professionally and is always close to the client. Through her support, clear objectives, empathy and professional expertise, she was able to motivate and strengthen me. Thank you very much for that!
Your mentor: Sonja Eva-Maria Ugele
Sonja shows people how to bring their paradise down to earth and live a life fulfilled by their dreams.
She creates rooms & journeys in which love IS! , light impacts, consciousness grows, love of life & abundance flows and peace arises. 

She is a paradise alchemist, pioneer for the union of feminine & masculine energy, speaker & Love IS! Summit organizer and brings the devine family back to earth.
The deep and lightful transformation that she enables her soulmates with through her workshops and programs, is based on the transformation of emotions into consciousness (alchemy), the step from duality into union, peace with one's own sexual energy and manifestation out of ease of being. 

She helps her soulmates to become conscious of themselves and their own strengths, talents and gifts and shows them how to get into union and allow an harmounious dance of feminine and masculine energy to co-create a new world full of light, love and fulfilling connections.
In her mentoring, the energy of the embodied devine family opens up your energetic transformation potential. Sonja united her sensitivity, flow, intuition and clairvoyant senses with her clarity and her experience from her previous career as a senior management leader and CFO in an international corporation as well as her personal discoveries on her own journey to a lightful and fulfilled life in paradise on earth - full of love, peace and love of life!